Without a doubt: Salmon is and will always be a superfood! No wonder, it is a real nutrient bomb with its valuable omega-3 fatty acids and high vitamin and mineral content. In addition, it seems to be the absolute favorite fish on German plates. Every German eats around three kilograms every year.
Vote now - wild salmon will be a favorite of the readers
Also our BioMare wild salmon, which is called sockeye salmon because of its deep red colour, is popular with our customers. The fish will be north of 54. latitude in the cold waters of Alaska - and is currently nominated as favorite product of eve magazine readers. Every year, the organic magazine chooses one organic product from the top 100 brands as the reader's favourite. This year we started with our Alaskan wild salmon and look forward to your vote - you can vote for it Link until 23.10.2020.
But wait a minute: Can wild salmon even be organic??
Clear answer: no.
The term "organic" is legally defined in the European Union and generally describes food from organic farming - i.e. from ecologically controlled cultivation. The wild salmon cannot be controlled, because – as the name suggests – it lives free and wild in the waters and the estuaries of the North Pacific or North Atlantic.
The life of the wild salmon
Spawning time is from October to December. After that, hundreds of thousands of small salmon hatch as freshwater fish in the springtime in the clear streams and rivers. They feed on yolk stores and small crustaceans, which give them their deep red colour. Are they strong enough?, they leave their spawning beds in swarms and often swim thousands of kilometers through the open ocean. A sporting achievement, through which they reduce the fat content and form a very muscular meat. After a few years, they return to their homeland to spawn, overcome rapids and waterfalls.
The salmon use their remaining energy for reproduction and die there, where they once hatched. An amazing and diverse life, which requires a lot of adaptability. One feature, farmed salmon from organic aquaculture do not have, because, due to the lack of hikes, they cannot adapt to the different events of Suss- and salt water need to adapt. In addition, ecologically controlled salmon are richer in fat than their wild counterparts - of course, they just lack them 1.000 kilometers of swim lanes in the open ocean.
MSC certification for wild salmon
But how can a non-organically controlled fish make it onto the list of readers' favorites in an organic magazine?? The reason: The so-called MSC certification, under which we offer our wild salmon. The wild salmon species have been standing since 1958 under state protection. Sustainable fishing is ensured by the now independent London organization "Marine Stewardship Council"., which awards the so-called MSC seal. The blue logo with a white stylized fish guaranteed, that fish and seafood come from environmentally friendly and stock-securing fisheries. In addition, the MSC sets a standard for the traceability of supply chains.
fish, bearing the MSC seal, must meet three basic principles: The fish stock must be in good condition. There must be no overfishing and the stocks must be able to recover demonstrably. In addition, the seal is only awarded to fisheries, which have little impact on the marine ecosystem, for example in terms of by-catch or fishing gear. The management of the fisheries also plays a central role: This must be focused on sustainable fishing and comply with applicable law.
You can find more information about the MSC certification here here.
Would you like our certified BioMare wild salmon?? Then take a look at our Shop drop by and have the wild salmon delivered straight to your home.
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